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March is National Nutrition Month


Every year the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics promotes healthy eating during the month of March. This year the theme is "Savor the flavor of eating right." It's not fear based, "Eat right or you may get cancer." But rather, reminds us that eating right should be enjoyed. Oddly, when people focus on pleasure as their main goal in eating, they naturally want to eat a balanced meal that leaves them feeling truly satisfied.

Here are some ideas on how to "savor the flavor":

1. Use your five senses. I savor the flavor most when my plate is colorful. What colors seam appealing right now? The sound of cooking in the kitchen and the smell of fresh baked foods can make your mouth water. These are salivary glands that help enhance flavor as food melts into your mouth. Touch for young children helps them feel safe in trying new foods, encourage this while they are expanding their taste preferences. Consider touching food yourself. When I was in Africa this was not uncommon to see in some places and sometimes I thought food tasted better when we used our hands (we washed before and after of course).

2. Are you too stressed to savor? Give yourself some time to eat your next meal. Sit at the table, no distractions. That's right, no email, no TV and no messaging. Take a few deep breaths and relax a little. It's just you and the flavors on your plate.

3. Find a vegetable or fruit recipe with a new herb or spice you haven't tried before. You could also plant some fresh herbs and try using them to spice up a salad or dip.

4. Let go of all those judgemental thoughts that run through your mind about nutrition. Food is not good or bad, so no guilt when eating should be present. That's much easier said than done in our society of fear based nutrition advice. How nice would it be to sit and enjoy a meal without judgement? Give yourself permission to enjoy again.

We owe a great amount of credit to our five senses when it comes to finding joy in life. Think of all the activities you love. Are your senses involved? You bet they are. Wow, our bodies truly are magnificent. We should take time to appreciate these senses in the eating adventure and start savoring food again.

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Saint George, Utah

736 South 900 East
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Annelies Newman

Registered Dietitian



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2023 Annelies Newman Nutrition 


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