Are you looking for a permanent solution to feeling good in your own skin?
Do you feel tired and sluggish?
Are you eating on the run and struggle sticking with a plan?
Do you have strict rules about eating?
Do you worry about what people think about your body?
Do your behaviors change in social settings?
Do you talk a lot about dieting, weight and food?
Do you feel guilty when eating?
Your dietitian will take you beyond calorie counting, rules and numbers. She will guide you to what really works for weight loss. You will discover an eating style that will consistently leave you feeling satisfied. You will begin with a meal plan that fits your lifestyle and helps correct any metabolic issues or sluggishness you may have. She will train you on understanding food facts and fiction. Then you will begin a journey of awareness into your thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviors around food. This is where we go beyond dieting and into intuitive eating. You will get to know yourself, and learn ways to believe and trust wholeheartedly in what your body is communicating with you. As you listen to your body, thoughts and emotions, you will learn to care for your real needs and feel free.